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Shared Hosting
Web Hosting Plans | Fast and Secure Shared Hosting. The Best Shared Hosting Services At Cheap Price. iFox Host's Reliable Web Hosting keeps your website up and running with 99.9% uptime.
Sirvi tooteidWordPress Hosting
Get Affordable, Fast & Secure WordPress Hosting in South Africa. Reliable WordPress hosting with a 99.9% uptime. Best WordPress Hosting with 1-click WP Install & frequent backup.
Sirvi tooteidEmail Only Hosting
Get South Africa's Affordable Email Only Hosting plans either for your business or your own personal emails. Includes Anti Spam - WebMail + POP + IMAP online Access. Plus get a Free Co.Za Domain Name on annual plan.
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Veebr 18th
Scheduled Server maintenance
jaanuar 22nd